Tuesday 14 February 2012

Day 78:

"Make up a name and write a back story for a stranger you see today."

Well writing is not my strong suit and I find it a little difficult to stay in my 'inspired by nature' theme for this but here we go.

Sally Jenkins is a stay at home mum.  She has a wonderful husband and two beautiful kids.  A toddler and a five year old.  She stands waiting at the bus stop for their son to return from school.  The other mothers are talking but Sally is not joining into the conversation today.  Her toddler is napping in the stroller and she is daydreaming.  Thinking of her dreams.  The ones she keeps close to her heart.  The ones that put a faint smile on her lips. The ones she put on hold while she raises the children.

She feels selfish when she thinks about them sometimes.  Feels like maybe she should just let them go and appreciate all that she has, but then she remembers that it is okay to have dreams.  It is more than okay it is essential.  Dreams are different than goals.  Dreams can be wild and crazy.  Dreams don't have to come true to make you feel fulfilled.  Dreams can just stay close to your heart until you are ready to make them happen or let them go.  She has a far off look in her eyes and still a faint smile on her lips.

The bus pulls up, the children climb off laughing and excited.  This brings back Sally to the here and now.  The faint smile turns big when her son approaches wide eyed, "Mum guess what we did in school today?" he asks.  He begins to recite all the exciting things that happened in Kindergarten today.  The enthusiasms he shows brightens Sally's heart.  

As they walk home together Sally is smiling.  One last thought to the dreams, the ones she holds close to her heart, it is okay, they will wait, today I have bigger dreams to live. 

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