Monday 21 May 2012

Creative Sidetrack

Well I have started off on a creative sidetrack over the last few days.  I am working on my first larger mixed media piece and I am completely obsessed with it. Maybe I am becoming a real artist,  because it is all I can think and dream about.  I want to always be working at it but alas I still have a household to run and a family to care for.  I would love to post pictures of it's progress but it is a gift and I don't want to give anything away.  I really hope in the end it comes out the way it is in my head, or at least close enough to make me happy.  I will be back at my creative project a day soon.  I will also show you the completed project when the element of surprise is no longer required.


PS.  You know all those things you've always wanted to do?
        You should go do them.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Day 94:

"Nothing rhymes with orange.  Work only with orange materials today."

Today I did  a painting.  It took me more than a day actually.  I took my inspiration from a friend who has done much larger paintings with a similar pattern but they are much more colourful and layered.  I loved her work so I decided to do a smaller version of my own.  It is acrylic on canvas. The nature inspiration is that it looks very much like flowers to me. 

There are 3 shades of orange in this painting which it is kind of hard to see in the photo.  The entire background was painted with orange. The skinny 'petals' were painted with the same orange mixed with a little yellow to lighten it. Then I went in with the same orange again darkened with some red to outline the 'petals' and added it to a bit of the background.


Monday 14 May 2012

Day 93:

"Nuts and Bolts.  Make something with any nuts, bolts, screws or nails you have lying around."

I know it has been a while again since I posted something.  I can't seem to keep the rhythm going.  I have been creative daily though, so at least I am keeping that up.  Some days I really get off on a tangent from this project as I explore something new.  I am not to worried though because the whole reason I started this was to explore my creative side. 

Today's project didn't really inspire me.  I couldn't seem to come up with anything interesting.  Part of the problem might have been that my son did a fantastic picture using found nuts and bolts (and sea glass) back when he was 12 called 'Tree of Life'.  That kept coming up in my head when I was trying to come up with an idea and if I did anything similar to his he would have called me on it.  So hear are some sea stars made from screws hanging out on my garage floor.