Monday 21 May 2012

Creative Sidetrack

Well I have started off on a creative sidetrack over the last few days.  I am working on my first larger mixed media piece and I am completely obsessed with it. Maybe I am becoming a real artist,  because it is all I can think and dream about.  I want to always be working at it but alas I still have a household to run and a family to care for.  I would love to post pictures of it's progress but it is a gift and I don't want to give anything away.  I really hope in the end it comes out the way it is in my head, or at least close enough to make me happy.  I will be back at my creative project a day soon.  I will also show you the completed project when the element of surprise is no longer required.


PS.  You know all those things you've always wanted to do?
        You should go do them.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Day 94:

"Nothing rhymes with orange.  Work only with orange materials today."

Today I did  a painting.  It took me more than a day actually.  I took my inspiration from a friend who has done much larger paintings with a similar pattern but they are much more colourful and layered.  I loved her work so I decided to do a smaller version of my own.  It is acrylic on canvas. The nature inspiration is that it looks very much like flowers to me. 

There are 3 shades of orange in this painting which it is kind of hard to see in the photo.  The entire background was painted with orange. The skinny 'petals' were painted with the same orange mixed with a little yellow to lighten it. Then I went in with the same orange again darkened with some red to outline the 'petals' and added it to a bit of the background.


Monday 14 May 2012

Day 93:

"Nuts and Bolts.  Make something with any nuts, bolts, screws or nails you have lying around."

I know it has been a while again since I posted something.  I can't seem to keep the rhythm going.  I have been creative daily though, so at least I am keeping that up.  Some days I really get off on a tangent from this project as I explore something new.  I am not to worried though because the whole reason I started this was to explore my creative side. 

Today's project didn't really inspire me.  I couldn't seem to come up with anything interesting.  Part of the problem might have been that my son did a fantastic picture using found nuts and bolts (and sea glass) back when he was 12 called 'Tree of Life'.  That kept coming up in my head when I was trying to come up with an idea and if I did anything similar to his he would have called me on it.  So hear are some sea stars made from screws hanging out on my garage floor.

Friday 20 April 2012

Day 92:

"Write a letter to yourself at another time in your life (past or future)."

This was an interesting prompt but a letter to myself past or present was not really something I wanted to share on my blog.  I did want to do writing as the creative project today so here it goes.

This is a little story I started telling my youngest daughter in the spring of 2011.  It was the first spring in our new home and we would see the little covers that would drop off the magnolia buds as the bloom when we would walk to and from school.  She picked one up one day and asked me what it was.  This is what I said:

They are a sign of spring.  The best sign of spring!  It means the fairies have decided it is spring.  You see darling, these are the fairies winter wings.  That is why they are fuzzy and heavy. They protect the fairies and keep them warm through the winter.  It makes it a little harder for the fairies to fly, because the wings are bulky, but it is the best protection in the biting cold.  Then when it is truly spring the fairies meet at dusk in the magnolia trees, just as the flowers are about to bloom, and have the spring celebration where they shed their winter wings in favour of the light gossamer wings you usually associate with fairies.  In the morning the fairies have gone off to sleep and the only thing left behind are the winter wings.

For the next few days she asked me to tell the story again and again as we walked to and from school.  Then she said, 'So it's true mum there really ARE fairies. GREAT!  I am taking these wings to school to show my friends and I am telling them what they are to PROVE to my friends that fairies ARE real.'  I hope this story and the others I tell are giving her an ability to be imaginative, but maybe I am just setting her up for therapy in the future.

This spring while walking to school, as the magnolias began to bloom again, my daughter said, 'look mum the fairies believe it is truly spring .... tell me the story again.'


Thursday 19 April 2012

Day 91:

"Use dry coffee beans, dry or wet coffee grounds, or even liquid coffee (in a cup or not) to create something today."

Made this owl from the prompt.  I am totally a night owl and because of that I need at LEAST one coffee before I can function in the morning.  (just ask my kids)

After I took the picture I realised how yucky the coffee in the cups looks.  That is because I used what was left in the French press from the earlier in the day and diluted it with water so there would be enough. 

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Day 90:

"Make a pinata and destroy it!"

I have made many a pinata in the past for my children's birthdays.  I actually made one for my youngest daughter when she turned 6 last year.  Instead of making a pinata today I decided to use the drawing she did for me to make her pinata last year as my inspiration for today. She drew a chameleon as that was her theme for the party.  The drawing is about 8cm by 7cm.

 I had stumbled across a woman who turns children's drawings into stuffies on Pintrest and thought it was a fantastic idea.  So I pulled out some old shirts of my daughters, my knitting needles and some felt to created a squeezable friend.

She absolutely adores him.  She even managed to spill something on him before I could take the picture.  It was fun to make her drawing come to life.  I think there will be more of these in my future. 


Tuesday 17 April 2012

Day 89:

"Work only with bubble wrap or any other packing materials you have on hand."

I had some bubble wrap and some blue paint.  I painted the bubble wrap and then made a print on the paper.  I couldn't decide where to go from there.  The results make me sort of think of water or heavy rain.  I may use this as part of a future project.  For now it is just blue bubbles.


Monday 16 April 2012

Day 88:

"Make something using stuff from your work place or office.  If you don't work, use items that are usually found in an office."

I typed out the prompt today and started to get worked up about how it was worded. I was going to start off this blog with a whole rant about, not everyone works in an 'office', and work is work whether you are paid for it or not, but this is my creative space so I decided to dial it back.  I going on the assumption that Noah Scalin only meant the prompt to mean to use your office things or things found in an office and I shouldn't read too much into it.

I did my project today with things found in my home office.  A stapler.  I used the outline of our stapler to create my pen crocodile.  Just added a little here and there to the outline.

Day 85: (Revisit)

First things first.  I have not fallen off the face of the earth.  As mentioned earlier, my camera was going on vacation with one of my children.  It came back safe and sound but I have been inundated with sick kids for the last four weeks.  Plus I had a bad, BAD, reaction to antibiotics.  I was creating quite regularly through it all just not blogging.  Hopefully things will go smoothly for a while now.  As I have mentioned in earlier blogs this is really about me being creative often but I can't cope with more pressure and deadlines so my 365 projects will take more than a year, hopefully not more than two.

Day 85 took longer to complete than most my projects.  I had to do the work over a few days.  It is also my biggest projects to date.  I took a quote and painted it on a 46cm x 71cm canvas with acrylics.  I loved it so much that I hung it on the wall of my porch where the fall wreath and winter sled usually go.

For the record it does hang straight I just can't seem to take a straight picture.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Creativity without posts

Sorry there will be no posts for a couple of weeks.  I am still creating but my camera is off on an overseas adventure and will not return for another 10 days.  If I manage to locate the cable for my other camera I will start posting.  Please stand by.


Friday 2 March 2012

Day 87:

"What can you do with a candle?"

One of the ideas under today's prompt was to draw with a candle and reveal the image using water colour.  This is what I decided to do.  Unfortunately the only candle I had was a tea light.  It was bulky and a bit difficult to draw with.  Then once you drew it was hard to see where you had drawn and of course impossible to erase.  I decided to draw an elephant in honour of my son who is off to Kenya to work with Free the Children for 10 days.
Two tries.  I don't really love either one, but here they are:

Thursday 1 March 2012

Day 86:

"Decorate a cake, pie or cookie."

Well this was done earlier in February.  In all the chaos when I wasn't creating, my youngest had a birthday.  She asked for a Chameleon Cupcake Cake to take in to share with her class.  Not knowing what I was getting myself into I agreed.  Then I googled 'cupcake cakes' and found out they were pretty fancy.  My solution was to make mini cupcakes, arrange them into a chameleon shape, ice the whole thing and then decorate it.

Looks a bit like an alien.  Last year's cake was much better (yes my daughter is a fan of Chameleons). If I ever get my pictures off the camera (cable was lost in the move) I will add that cake here. 

Day 85:

"Work with words.  Make an image with just words or letters."

Please stand by.  I need a bigger canvas for this project and my youngest is home from school sick.  My plan is to get one on the weekend.


Wednesday 29 February 2012

Day 84:

"Keep it Clean.  Use a bar of soap to make something new."

Today I tried my hand at carving.  I remember once carving a bar of Ivory Soap in Girl Guides or elementary school.  The bar of soap I was using today was a little harder (more brittle) than Ivory but as long as I shaved off layers more than trying to carve it worked well.
Before and after:

A close up of my little parrot:

Day 83:

"Make a visual pun."

Today (which is yesterday now, I am a day late posting) I had a lot of ideas for this prompt. Strawberry, Dragonfly, Tiger Lily and Gum Tree were a few of the ones I came up with while brainstorming, but I decided on Fairy Penguin. The Fairy Penguin is the often used name for the Little Penguin in Australia.

I used a black felt tip marker and crayons.  This is one of the projects that I am very happy with.

Monday 27 February 2012

Day 82:

"Create a new kind of utensil."

This one truly stumped me.  For a couple of days I brainstormed and nothing came.  Then I got a little frustrated and just left it.  Today I decided to get back on the horse and when nothing came again I decided to just throw in the towel on this prompt and do something freestyle.  This is a little watercolour of some fall leaves floating in a pond.

Hopefully I will find inspiration for tomorrows prompt.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Day 81:

"Make something out of erasers."

Sorry for the pause in posts again.  I had misplaced my book.  I really should never tidy up my studio.

My daughter received  a kit to make your own erasers from this eraser clay as a gift.  You shape it and then bake it.  I asked her if I could use it for this project and she agreed as long as I made a bear eraser for her.

I found it a little hard to do.  The clay was easy to use but I was tired so modelling something small seamed difficult.  In the end I just made a big eraser.  I would like to try and make it smaller, more eraser sized. 

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Day 80:

"Try dyeing!"

Well this project took a good part of the day.  I didn't quite get the results I wanted.  I started with four almost new white pillow cases.  I wanted to dye them using dyes I made with edible products.  I went for coffee for brown, green tea for yellow, onion skins for orange and beetroot for red.  First I made the dyes by boiling the ingredients, then straining them.  Then based on information I read on natural dyes I prepared the material by simmering it in vinegar water for an hour. Then there was rinsing and finally adding the material to each pot to simmer.

I drained them after simmering for an hour then I rung them out and dried them in the dryer to try and set the colour.  I liked the orange from the onion skins best.  I may re-dye this one to make it darker.  I may even consider doing the yellow one over in this same orange.  The brown coffee turned out a little muddy.  The yellow green tea was very light and subtle, maybe I should have simmered longer or added more tea for a stronger colour.  I was really disappointed in the red beet.  Usually I am staining everything with beet juice when I cook them but it didn't seem to work on the cotton.  I may do a little more research and try beet again. 

They really need an iron but here they are from left to right orange onion skins, red beet, yellow green tea and brown coffee.

Day 79:

"Walk through an alley or along a small road and pick up discarded materials to work with."

Well the weather is not co-operating for this one today.  I have marked it to return to in the spring.  I like this idea. Please stand by.  I will go ahead to Day 80 today.


Tuesday 14 February 2012

Day 78:

"Make up a name and write a back story for a stranger you see today."

Well writing is not my strong suit and I find it a little difficult to stay in my 'inspired by nature' theme for this but here we go.

Sally Jenkins is a stay at home mum.  She has a wonderful husband and two beautiful kids.  A toddler and a five year old.  She stands waiting at the bus stop for their son to return from school.  The other mothers are talking but Sally is not joining into the conversation today.  Her toddler is napping in the stroller and she is daydreaming.  Thinking of her dreams.  The ones she keeps close to her heart.  The ones that put a faint smile on her lips. The ones she put on hold while she raises the children.

She feels selfish when she thinks about them sometimes.  Feels like maybe she should just let them go and appreciate all that she has, but then she remembers that it is okay to have dreams.  It is more than okay it is essential.  Dreams are different than goals.  Dreams can be wild and crazy.  Dreams don't have to come true to make you feel fulfilled.  Dreams can just stay close to your heart until you are ready to make them happen or let them go.  She has a far off look in her eyes and still a faint smile on her lips.

The bus pulls up, the children climb off laughing and excited.  This brings back Sally to the here and now.  The faint smile turns big when her son approaches wide eyed, "Mum guess what we did in school today?" he asks.  He begins to recite all the exciting things that happened in Kindergarten today.  The enthusiasms he shows brightens Sally's heart.  

As they walk home together Sally is smiling.  One last thought to the dreams, the ones she holds close to her heart, it is okay, they will wait, today I have bigger dreams to live. 

Monday 13 February 2012

Day 77:

"Work with shredded paper."

So far we have had a mild winter with little snow this year.  That was until this past weekend when we got about 15 cm.  It gave me the inspiration for the giant shredded paper snowflake.  Enjoy.

Friday 10 February 2012

Day 76:

"Make something inspired by and/or that fits on or around an ear (yours or someone else's)"

I am helping out at my children's school with an origami club once a week.  It is great fun to see the kids fold paper into creations and they take such pride in their work.  I used this as my inspiration today and folded an iris flower. I then rolled a piece of paper as the stem and had one of my daughters model it behind her ear.  It was quite the challenge because unlike origami club, I don't actually have origami paper.  The paper I used was a little thick for this application.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Day 75:

"Get some chalk and work on the sidewalk near your home."

Well it is February in Southern Ontario but it was a beautiful sunny day today.  I braved the outdoors because the temperature was hovering around 1C and we have no snow.  I decided to draw a sign of spring on the footpath by my house.  I am hoping it gets a few smiles while we are still in winter. It is suppose to get cold with snow again this coming week.  Seems spring is a little way off yet.


Wednesday 8 February 2012

Day 74:

"Be Bold."

I am not bold.  I don't think I will ever be bold.  I should probably really take one of the suggestions for today to try to work on becoming bold.  BUT ... it is so far out of my comfort zone I just couldn't.  So it was a free day for me.  I decided to draw and colour with my water colour pencils some snow drops.  Even though it has been a mild winter this year I am longing for the first flowers of spring in my garden.  Enjoy.

Day 73:

"Work with the gravel, sand, or rocks available near your home."

February in Southern Ontario.  This is not a good project for today.  I have marked it to re-visit when the weather is better.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Day 72:

"Use all of the shoes in your household to make something, or work with a single pair of shoes that were destined for the thrift store."

I didn't use all the shoes in the house but I used a lot.  My inspiration was the shoe tree that is along the road on the way to where my parents live.  The kids have always loved driving by this one on  South Lake Road and I was sad to here that the ones I recently discovered by Kinmount have since been cut down.  I don't really know any of the history behind them.

This is my take on a shoe tree using only shoes.  I "build" the tree out of brown and black shoes and boots and then hung or "nailed" on the more colourful shoes.  Just don't tell my daughter about the yellow high tops or she will be trying to "borrow" them.

Monday 6 February 2012

Day 71:

"Make something that seems like it came from another era in history."

Welcome back me!  Sometimes things get so crazy in my life that all things seem to start spinning out of control.  I have just got off two weeks of crazy and I am trying really hard to get it all back together again.  Starting with my creativity and blog.

Today my painting was done on paper I aged with tea in the oven.  I then painted my male Fairy Wren (found in Australia) using water colour pencils (I finally bought a nice set for myself).  Finally I washed over the whole picture with a yellow/brown water colour wash.  That smudged the painting and ran some of the colours.  I wanted to give it a look that it was painted long ago and maybe damaged while sitting around in an old attic.


Tuesday 24 January 2012

Day 70:

"Work only with numbers today."

Well this was a bit tough to get going on but in the end I kinda like my cute little cartoon bird made out of 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9.  It wasn't my first idea but definitely turned out best.


Monday 23 January 2012

Day 69:

"Make a puzzle or make something using pieces from a puzzle."

First let me just say that I am going to forget last week.  I didn't do a single project so I am going to pretend it was some sort of tear in the space time continuum.  I am officially taking a do over this week.  But stay tuned for updates on projects for day 67 and 68.

Using pieces from my 1000 piece puzzle I made ... you guessed it a tree!

I like the way it turned out.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Day 68:

"Create something with papier-mache"

Wow I haven't posted the last 4 days.  I am truly finding out that I cannot seem to do a project everyday.  I will continue to do as many as I can each week but 4 or 5 a week is probably more realistic than every day due to my crazy life.

Now onto today's project .... please stand by.  It is taking me longer than expected to get this the way I want it to look.  I hope it turns out in the end.  In the mean time I will try to post some other projects as we wait for papier-mache to dry and have more layers added.

Friday 13 January 2012

Day 67:

"Write a ten-word science fiction story.  Bonus: Illustrate it."

For the first 11 days of this month I have been on top of my 365 Day project and was quite happy about it.  Then I came across this prompt and got stuck.  Then I procrastinated and now I am behind as I missed posting yesterday and have not done the project for today yet.  Hopefully I will get back on track over the weekend.

Now today's prompt.  I struggle with the writing ones but I am determined to try and explore new things, after all that is why I started this project.  A science fiction inspired by nature story?  Heavy sigh.

Aliens land.  Seeing human parasites on planet earth. Aliens exterminate.

Not so cheerful and no happy ending.  Sorry no illustration today either but if I get one done (thinking comic strip panel) I will post it.

Updated 17/4/12

I did a comic strip illustration for this post.  I purposely did it to look like a kid drew it.


Wednesday 11 January 2012

Day 66:

"Go grocery shopping and pick up something new specifically to work with."

Picked up some kiwis today and used one to make a palm tree complete with coconuts.  Placed it on a blue plate and when I went to take a picture I kept getting a reflection of the overhead light.  Decided to use it as the sun.  Here is the result.

A tropical tree for a winter day.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Day 65:

"Work with only the classic tangram shapes today."

I found this a little hard.  Came up with a fish and a piece of seaweed.

Monday 9 January 2012

Day 64:

"It's all about you.  Incorporate yourself into whatever you make today."

Posting right down to the wire today. I incorporated myself into my work today by using my nickname "Charlie", which I have had since I was in high school,  as a place to doodle different natural elements.  It was all done in black felt tip pens.

Sunday 8 January 2012

Day 63:

"Behind the mask.  Create a unique mask with whatever materials you like."

I went looking on the internet for some inspiration for this one and came across a picture I liked very similar to the one I drew.  Not a mask you can actually wear but it is a butterfly for my nature theme.

Saturday 7 January 2012

Day 62:

"Make something with your dinner before you eat it." 

A play with your food prompt.  Again as I mentioned with Day 9, I have a real passion for cooking.  I really didn't have the heart to reconstruct my dinner into something after making it so it is a simple photo of tonight's main meal.

All ingredients from nature (she says with a smile).  Dinner is udon noodles with shiitake mushrooms, ginger and green onions in a soy and white wine broth paired with a seared shrimp salad including tomatoes, grapefruit and sprouts topped with a very spicy Thai dressing of fish sauce, citrus juice, garlic, sugar and a fresh ground hot chilli.

Friday 6 January 2012

Day 61:

"Use only things you find around the bathroom to create something.  Extra credit: Make it in the bathroom!"

I used a lipstick, shaving cream and toothpaste flicked off a toothbrush to make this winter scene on my bathroom mirror.  Only problem was trying to get a good shot in a reflective surface in a narrow space.

And a close up

Thursday 5 January 2012

Day 60:

"Make something that casts a shadow and document only the shadow."

Originally I had great plans for this one.  I wanted to make something I could put up in my sky light and photograph the shadow throughout the day.  Unfortunately this one came up during the Christmas break and things are just a little busy around here for me to do an all day project.  I also require a sunny day and they have been a bit sporadic.  Instead I had to compromise.  I used my tree I made on Day 34 (still my favourite) and  photographed it's shadow in different locations. 

Unfortunately it wasn't big enough or dense enough to get long shadows cast. I  tried a couple of times in the snow with the tree placed up higher but I just got fuzzy pictures.  I may go back to my original plan of an all day project in the summer.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Day 59:

"Mix and match.  Work with two materials that generally don't go together, like markers and bananas or, leaves and binder clips."

Well how about knitting and drinking in the bar.  Yes that was what I was doing to finish the tiny snowmen I set out to knit for every child in my 6 year olds class.  I set a tight deadline of finishing them for the last day of school giving myself only 2 days to get them all done as well as get all my regular things done, plus the great Christmas rush of course.  Oh how I like to work under pressure!  As the deadline loomed (only one day to go) I was suppose to go out with friends for drinks.  So there I sat in the bar making tiny scarves for snowmen that are 5 cm high while having beers and chatting with my friends.

The snowman pattern is from Mochimoch Land and the kids all loved them.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Day 58:

"Life size.  Make something as big as you possibly can."

Okay I cheated a little bit as I re-purposed or recycled a picture I had done earlier.  I have been pressed for time through Christmas.

I drew this large chameleon earlier in 2011. It was created for playing pin the tail on the chameleon at my 6 year olds chameleon themed birthday party. I always really liked the way he looked. I decided to add water colour to it for today's project.  This is the result.

Monday 2 January 2012

Day 57:

"Use a disposable plastic bag to create something new today"

I used one of the few plastic bags I managed to get while Christmas shopping.  I usually try to use my re-usable bags instead but I purchased a large item that wouldn't fit into any of my bags.  I liked the way it held air so I made a mushroom.  Tried to position it so it was white on top with black underneath.  Worked out okay once I used some tape to hold it.

Sunday 1 January 2012

Day 56:

"Make something heavy seem light."

You may be wondering what the heck happened?  Where have I been?  Well Christmas happened and I promised myself a few years back that I wouldn't let it stress me out any more.  But it still gets crazy from time to time and this was one of those very busy years where I took on too much and although I cut out a lot I was still to manic too post.  I managed four projects though since the 20th of December so I didn't completely shut down.  Now it is a new day and a new year so I will just pick it all back up.

Drew a simple pen drawing of a scale with the tree being lighter than a feather.