Friday 20 April 2012

Day 92:

"Write a letter to yourself at another time in your life (past or future)."

This was an interesting prompt but a letter to myself past or present was not really something I wanted to share on my blog.  I did want to do writing as the creative project today so here it goes.

This is a little story I started telling my youngest daughter in the spring of 2011.  It was the first spring in our new home and we would see the little covers that would drop off the magnolia buds as the bloom when we would walk to and from school.  She picked one up one day and asked me what it was.  This is what I said:

They are a sign of spring.  The best sign of spring!  It means the fairies have decided it is spring.  You see darling, these are the fairies winter wings.  That is why they are fuzzy and heavy. They protect the fairies and keep them warm through the winter.  It makes it a little harder for the fairies to fly, because the wings are bulky, but it is the best protection in the biting cold.  Then when it is truly spring the fairies meet at dusk in the magnolia trees, just as the flowers are about to bloom, and have the spring celebration where they shed their winter wings in favour of the light gossamer wings you usually associate with fairies.  In the morning the fairies have gone off to sleep and the only thing left behind are the winter wings.

For the next few days she asked me to tell the story again and again as we walked to and from school.  Then she said, 'So it's true mum there really ARE fairies. GREAT!  I am taking these wings to school to show my friends and I am telling them what they are to PROVE to my friends that fairies ARE real.'  I hope this story and the others I tell are giving her an ability to be imaginative, but maybe I am just setting her up for therapy in the future.

This spring while walking to school, as the magnolias began to bloom again, my daughter said, 'look mum the fairies believe it is truly spring .... tell me the story again.'


Thursday 19 April 2012

Day 91:

"Use dry coffee beans, dry or wet coffee grounds, or even liquid coffee (in a cup or not) to create something today."

Made this owl from the prompt.  I am totally a night owl and because of that I need at LEAST one coffee before I can function in the morning.  (just ask my kids)

After I took the picture I realised how yucky the coffee in the cups looks.  That is because I used what was left in the French press from the earlier in the day and diluted it with water so there would be enough. 

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Day 90:

"Make a pinata and destroy it!"

I have made many a pinata in the past for my children's birthdays.  I actually made one for my youngest daughter when she turned 6 last year.  Instead of making a pinata today I decided to use the drawing she did for me to make her pinata last year as my inspiration for today. She drew a chameleon as that was her theme for the party.  The drawing is about 8cm by 7cm.

 I had stumbled across a woman who turns children's drawings into stuffies on Pintrest and thought it was a fantastic idea.  So I pulled out some old shirts of my daughters, my knitting needles and some felt to created a squeezable friend.

She absolutely adores him.  She even managed to spill something on him before I could take the picture.  It was fun to make her drawing come to life.  I think there will be more of these in my future. 


Tuesday 17 April 2012

Day 89:

"Work only with bubble wrap or any other packing materials you have on hand."

I had some bubble wrap and some blue paint.  I painted the bubble wrap and then made a print on the paper.  I couldn't decide where to go from there.  The results make me sort of think of water or heavy rain.  I may use this as part of a future project.  For now it is just blue bubbles.


Monday 16 April 2012

Day 88:

"Make something using stuff from your work place or office.  If you don't work, use items that are usually found in an office."

I typed out the prompt today and started to get worked up about how it was worded. I was going to start off this blog with a whole rant about, not everyone works in an 'office', and work is work whether you are paid for it or not, but this is my creative space so I decided to dial it back.  I going on the assumption that Noah Scalin only meant the prompt to mean to use your office things or things found in an office and I shouldn't read too much into it.

I did my project today with things found in my home office.  A stapler.  I used the outline of our stapler to create my pen crocodile.  Just added a little here and there to the outline.

Day 85: (Revisit)

First things first.  I have not fallen off the face of the earth.  As mentioned earlier, my camera was going on vacation with one of my children.  It came back safe and sound but I have been inundated with sick kids for the last four weeks.  Plus I had a bad, BAD, reaction to antibiotics.  I was creating quite regularly through it all just not blogging.  Hopefully things will go smoothly for a while now.  As I have mentioned in earlier blogs this is really about me being creative often but I can't cope with more pressure and deadlines so my 365 projects will take more than a year, hopefully not more than two.

Day 85 took longer to complete than most my projects.  I had to do the work over a few days.  It is also my biggest projects to date.  I took a quote and painted it on a 46cm x 71cm canvas with acrylics.  I loved it so much that I hung it on the wall of my porch where the fall wreath and winter sled usually go.

For the record it does hang straight I just can't seem to take a straight picture.